Practices You Need To Consider Before You Live Stream Your Videos To The Public

Practices You Need To Consider Before You Live Stream Your Videos To The Public

Live streaming video is the new mantra that is being chanted by every digital marketer, and businesses, big or small, are jumping on the live streaming wagon to make the most of the trend. And, believe me, when I say, it is really working. People prefer to watch live videos on social media sites rather than the pre-recorded ones. This gives them a feeling of being present and ‘in’ the stuff that is being streamed.

Live streaming garners 5 times more viewership and public attention and has proven to be a great marketing tool and is here to stay for a while, maybe longer. Live streaming has marked its place in the digital marketing world and has also found priority on most platforms since they are happening right now and have a better relevance to the audience.

Media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram give importance to live streaming video and place it on top of the page, thereby, giving it high-visibility. In fact, these social media sites even notify the users if the people are going live at a particular time. Since they are highly interactive in nature, they have become even more popular with the younger generation where the audience can ask questions and get answers from the experts at the moment and face-to-face.

Practices That You Should Consider

– Make It As Real As Possible

If you are live and the video looks too polished and practiced, there will be very little connection that the viewers will feel with it. Plan, prepare but be sure not to try too hard to make things perfect. People will connect with the natural aspect of the video, as the things happen. It is perfectly ok if there are a few flaws in the video, your camera tilts to a wrong angle, or the background has a few uninvited walk-ins, take it in the stride and be natural. Planning and having a direction in which you want the video to flow is necessary but what is more important is being flexible and willing to dump the strategy down the drain and going with the flow, in order to relate to the audience.

– Choose The Best Platform

Live streaming has become a rage with the youngsters where they want to be in sync with the current happenings and do not want to waste time in waiting for a recorded video. And it is no secret that everyone, ok, not everyone, but almost everyone is using social media to interact, catch up and get together with one another and be in touch with the world on a global level and these social media platforms serve as a great tool for live streaming. The three top tools for live streaming are:

– Facebook Live

– Blab

– Periscope

Choosing one according to your need and requirement will help in garnering better response and followers.

– Notify Your Audience

Your live streaming broadcast would be for naught if people are not aware that it is going to happen. The social media platforms allow business pages to schedule a broadcast on priority and post notifications to their followers and a reminder is set to remind them about the live streaming broadcast. Who are you streaming for, if there are no audiences?

It is better to be a step ahead of broadcasting live videos only, one should start promoting the event beforehand using catchy images, funny texts, and complete information regarding when and where and what you will be covering. This will give your video the necessary build-up and create excitement.

– Initiate Call To Action

Once the video is over and you want to create a strong and lasting relationship with your audiences, the best practice is to initiate a call to action. You can ask them to either subscribe to the link you provide or give a review, or feedback or tell you what they liked the best in the video and post it in the comment section. This will help in better connection and easy communication between you and the viewers.

– Prepare Well In Advance

To make sure things don’t get out of hand or go awry when you are live, planning and preparation is the key. It is good to be flexible and spontaneous but having a plan of action in your hand will save you from any mishaps. Jot down what you are going to talk about, whom your audience are and you might go a step further and get your audience to ask you questions and queries and be prepared to answer them to your best.

If you are not sure of what you can do and what will work for you, you can get in touch with agencies to provide you with the media delivery services. They will design, execute, deliver and guide you through all your live video streaming needs.

Have any more questions regarding live video streaming practices? Get in touch with our experts and till next time, Happy Streaming.