The ever-existing curiosity about the polar relationship between pain and pleasure in human sexuality deserves our attention. Many of us also crave the pain that comes with pleasure during a sexual encounter. For them, the pain and pleasure associated with their deepest sexual releases are one and the same.
Many of us close ourselves down to situations that we fear will bring pain and discomfort. If we just substitute this avoidance with the curiosity for pain associated with sex, we’ll be opening ourselves to an untapped capacity for pleasure.
Even our biological responses can be seen to support this complex relationship between pain and pleasure. A few examples of these biological responses are runner’s high and the facial expressions during the orgasmic release. This is because love, sex, and pain all stimulate the release of similar chemicals and hormones in the human body.
Pleasure and pain, both being tied up to the interacting dopamine and opioid systems in the brain, regulates neurotransmitters that are involved in reward- or motivation-driven behaviors, which include eating, drinking, and sex. Closing down on these experiences means that you’re missing out on a whole lot of pleasure.
Painful experiences release endorphins that are often perceived as pleasurable. Pain also stimulates serotonin and melatonin production in the brain transforming painful experiences into pleasure. So, just having a positive viewpoint towards pain during sexual encounters drastically increases your pleasure and endurance.
In conclusion, sex should be a perfect balance of pain and pleasure, otherwise, it becomes a routine rather than an indulgence. Finding the perfect sexual balance between pain and pleasure for yourself is very important for your sexual life. Check out playdates and escorts in Melbourne for a quick find. Keeping ourselves open to the possibility of pleasure during pain while having sex has the potential to release an untapped capacity for pleasure.